Perhaps now would be a good time to start a science fiction thread.
Anyone else here like Orson Scott Card and the Ender books?  It seems like a lot of people whip through Ender's Game as soon as they get their hands on it.  There don't seem to be a lot of novels with such readability.
And yet, am I alone in thinking that the characters are a little, well, wooden, particularly in the later books in the series?  In no other book that I've read are characters so capable of spouting forth endless speeches with barely a moment's thought, to be instantly understood without chance of misinterpretation.  Everyone seems to be perfectly rational in their every action.  (I am reminded of that line in Amadeus in which Mozart complains of operas populated my "characters so lofty they [crap] marble.")
I read Shadow of the Hegemon a while ago, and while it was a little better in this respect, I thought that the plot kind of degenerated into a big Risk game towards the end.
Any thoughts?

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