At 12:37 PM 9/12/2003 -0500, you wrote:
Alberto Monteiro wrote:

> I can't say about the USA, but here in Brazil the only professions
> that seem to have any perspective of success are drug dealers
> and tax collectors. The tax collectors will extort money from the
> drug dealers, and the drug dealers will sell drugs to the tax
> collectors. The most recent estimation is that honest workers
> are sucked in 5 months per year of their income to support
> state's parasitism.

I think someone calculated that, on average, in the US, all wages up to
some time in May would have to be paid in taxes.  Don't remember the
magical date, though.


That is of course the Tax Freedom Day.

Which has been April 19 for the last two years, down from a high of April 30, 2000.

And next year it will be even earlier.

Kevin T. - VRWC
Excuse me while I cabbage patch


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