On Thu, Mar 11, 2004 at 06:10:55PM +0530, ritu wrote:

> I found the information surprising though and although the population
> density bit looks obvious now, it still hasn't worked out quite that
> way here yet.

Yes, there are other factors as well. But for GDP/capita's "in the
same ballpark", population density is probably the biggest factor for
networking costs.

  country   GDP/head  pop/km^2
  India       $450      307
  S Korea    $9670      472
  USA       $34940       30

South Korea has almost 16 times the population density of America, but
the GDP per capita is what I would consider "in the same ballpark" (much
less than a factor of 10 difference), although it is significantly lower
than America's.

Comparing India to South Korea, the population density is a bit higher
in South Korea, but the GDP per capita is more than 21 times higher in
South Korea!

Erik Reuter   http://www.erikreuter.net/

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