Hello everyone,

I am trying to get code coverage to work with my cactus tests, but I'm having trouble. I tried JCoverage (gpl version, of course) first and followed the instructions in another thread, but it seemed to be fairly sporadic. It would work one run and fail the next with absolutely no change made. I have no idea why.

So then I decided to give Emma a try. Unfortunately when it tries to dump the coverage information after the cactus tests, I get java.lang.ThreadDeath... Apparently the thread is dying before emma can dump the data. There's a new ant task for emma that allows you to dump whenever you want. I was hoping to use that before cactus shut tomcat5 down again, but the cactus task doesn't allow me to nest the emma task... Is there a way to execute that emma task before cactus shuts tomcat down?

   Has anyone had any success with jcoverage or emma with cactus?


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