I think if you can add latency in those multipliers / adders you'll
probably find your problem will go away. It's the blow path that's
breaking, so I don;t think you can get around ijnserting some registers to
split up thje logic stages --

Slack:                  -15.890ns (requirement - (data path - clock path
skew + uncertainty))
  Requirement:          5.000ns
  Data Path Delay:      20.585ns (Levels of Logic = 12)(Component delays
alone exceeds constraint)
  Clock Path Skew:      -0.245ns (1.869 - 2.114)
  Source Clock:         adc0_clk rising at 0.000ns
  Destination Clock:    adc0_clk rising at 5.000ns
  Clock Uncertainty:    0.060ns

  Clock Uncertainty:          0.060ns  ((TSJ^2 + DJ^2)^1/2) / 2 + PE
    Total System Jitter (TSJ):  0.070ns
    Discrete Jitter (DJ):       0.097ns
    Phase Error (PE):           0.000ns

  Maximum Data Path at Slow Process Corner:
    Location             Delay type         Delay(ns)  Physical Resource
                                                       Logical Resource(s)
    -------------------------------------------------  -------------------
    SLICE_X64Y79.CQ      Tcko                  0.381

    SLICE_X65Y79.C1      net (fanout=2)        0.584
    SLICE_X65Y79.C       Tilo                  0.068

    SLICE_X62Y79.D6      net (fanout=1)        0.248
    SLICE_X62Y79.D       Tilo                  0.068

    SLICE_X61Y81.A6      net (fanout=26)       0.521
    SLICE_X61Y81.A       Tilo                  0.068

    DSP48_X3Y30.B7       net (fanout=16)       1.178
    DSP48_X3Y30.PCOUT8   Tdspdo_B_PCOUT_MULT   3.691

    DSP48_X3Y31.PCIN8    net (fanout=1)        0.002
    DSP48_X3Y31.P1       Tdspdo_PCIN_P         1.591

    SLICE_X63Y104.C1     net (fanout=1)        2.858
    SLICE_X63Y104.COUT   Topcyc                0.338


    SLICE_X63Y105.CIN    net (fanout=1)        0.000
    SLICE_X63Y105.COUT   Tbyp                  0.078

    SLICE_X63Y106.CIN    net (fanout=1)        0.000
    SLICE_X63Y106.AMUX   Tcina                 0.213

    SLICE_X65Y107.A1     net (fanout=1)        0.593
    SLICE_X65Y107.COUT   Topcya                0.409


    SLICE_X65Y108.CIN    net (fanout=1)        0.000
    SLICE_X65Y108.COUT   Tbyp                  0.078

    SLICE_X65Y109.CIN    net (fanout=1)        0.000
    SLICE_X65Y109.DMUX   Tcind                 0.328

    DSP48_X4Y53.A19      net (fanout=3)        1.904
    DSP48_X4Y53.P16      Tdspdo_A_P_MULT       3.826

    SLICE_X59Y109.DX     net (fanout=1)        1.526
    SLICE_X59Y109.CLK    Tdick                 0.034

    Total                                     20.585ns (11.171ns logic,
9.414ns route)
                                                       (54.3% logic, 45.7%

On Fri, 11 Mar 2016 at 00:49 Nilan Udayanga <g...@zips.uakron.edu> wrote:

> Hi Jack,
> Thank you very much for your suggestions. The block t_z2 is a 2nd order
> feedback loop (figure is attached, Even though it shows 3 delays in
> multipliers, it does not have any delays).
> But I don't think this feedback loop may cause that much of delay.
> Regards,
> Nilan Udayanga.
> On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 7:18 PM, Jack Hickish <jackhick...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Nilan,
>> It looks like there's a block called (something like) ppcm12/block_t_z2
>> with a huge logic delay -- from line 135 of the failing twr file --
>>   Data Path Delay:      20.585ns (Levels of Logic = 12)(Component delays
>> alone exceeds constraint)
>> What is this block? It looks like it has some multipliers and adders and
>> stuff...
>> There's also a timing error in the adc yellow block, but my guess is this
>> is just because the place and route tool gave up when it hit impossible
>> constraints elsewhere.
>> Cheers,
>> Jack
>> On Thu, 10 Mar 2016 at 23:49 Nilan Udayanga <g...@zips.uakron.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> We are having a little weird problem during the compilation of a roach 2
>>> design with the adc16 block. I have a design for a specific application. It
>>> is well pipelined and we are using ADC interfaces clocked at 200 MHz. When
>>> I just terminate the output without using any software registers at the
>>> output, there is no timing error (all timing costrains have been met). And
>>> when I compile the design using the software register at the output (just a
>>> one software register), it has a timing error, and says the maximum
>>> frequency that can be achieved is around 50 MHz. I am wondering whether it
>>> is a problem with the software register or not. Please find the following
>>> attachments for the .twr and .twx files for each cases.
>>> I have tried using snapshots blocks too. Thats giving the same timing
>>> error.
>>> Your help will be greatly appreciated.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nilan Udayanga.
>>> On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 4:03 PM, Nilan Udayanga <g...@zips.uakron.edu>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> Thank you very much for all your suggestions.
>>>> I have two more questions,
>>>> Since, ADCs need to be clocked at 480 MHz for the demux=2 mode, how
>>>> does the FPGA clock at 240 MHz? does it use a clock divider internally?
>>>> Is there any maximum operating frequency for the FPGA, when we use the
>>>> adc16 block?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Nilan Udayanga.
>>>> On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 3:22 PM, Jack Hickish <jackhick...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> With regards to the demux option, for the system you describe you want
>>>>> -d 2 (I.e. demux by = run the FPGA at half the sample rate, and process 
>>>>> two
>>>>> samples in parallel on every FPGA clock cycle). Basically, provided you
>>>>> have the up to date ruby package, all you need to do is run adc16_init.rb
>>>>> with appropriate options, and that will program your roach and set
>>>>> everything up for you.
>>>>> I think the default mode of the adc16 ruby script assumes that,
>>>>> whatever mode you're using the ADC in, the external clock provided is at
>>>>> the sample rate. Though, as Matt added, the ADC supports other dividing
>>>>> options if they're useful to you and you're willing to read the ADC data
>>>>> sheet to work out how to set the divider properties.
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> Jack
>>>>> On Wed, 9 Mar 2016, 09:49 David MacMahon, <dav...@astro.berkeley.edu>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Vishwa,
>>>>>> I am not at my computer right now, so this is from memory, but I
>>>>>> think you want to specify an IP clock rate of 240 MHz and supply a 480 
>>>>>> MHz
>>>>>> clock to the ADC card(s). The IP clock rate is sometimes called the 
>>>>>> fabric
>>>>>> clock rate. It is the rate at which the FPGA logic elements (aka fabric)
>>>>>> operate. The ADC chips need a sample clock that is commensurate with the
>>>>>> sampling frequency. When you initialize the ADCs using adc16_init.rb, be
>>>>>> sure to pass the "-d" option. If your version of adc16_init.rb does not
>>>>>> support the "-d" option, then you will need to update it.
>>>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>>>> Dave
>>>>>> On Mar 9, 2016, at 08:33, Vishwa Seneviratne <mp...@zips.uakron.edu>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi David/Jack,
>>>>>> We are working on a beam former and we use the 'ADC16x250-8 coax rev
>>>>>> 2' to sample RF signals using ROACH2-Rev 2. The operating BW is 240MHz.
>>>>>> Thus, we need to sample the signals at 480 MSamples/s. We have few 
>>>>>> queries
>>>>>> regarding the adc16 yellow block and how to setup the input clock.
>>>>>> 1. Can we compile a design by setting the IP clock rate to 480MHz?
>>>>>> 2. Should we supply a IP clock frequency of 480MHz to the ADC board
>>>>>> to achieve a sampling rate of 480MSamples/s.  If not, at what clock rate
>>>>>> should we supply? And what other parameters needed to setup when running
>>>>>> the bof file.
>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>> *Vishwa Seneviratne*
>>>>>> *Graduate Student*
>>>>>> *Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering*
>>>>>> *University of Akron*
>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 12:38 PM, David MacMahon <
>>>>>> dav...@astro.berkeley.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi, Vishwa,
>>>>>>> The software installed by following the ADC16 user guide had not
>>>>>>> been updated with the newer version of the adc16 code that supports 
>>>>>>> demux
>>>>>>> mode.  I have updated the software that the user guide points to, so if 
>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>> reinstall the adc16 gem as per the user guide you should get version 
>>>>>>> 0.4.0
>>>>>>> which supports demux mode.
>>>>>>> Thanks for bringing this issue to my attention.
>>>>>>> Dave
>>>>>>> On Feb 3, 2016, at 7:02 PM, Vishwa Seneviratne <
>>>>>>> mp...@zips.uakron.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Dave,
>>>>>>> Here is the output.
>>>>>>> vishwa@server3:~/Desktop/roach/poly$ adc16_init.rb -h
>>>>>>> Usage: adc16_init.rb [OPTIONS] HOSTNAME BOF
>>>>>>> Programs HOSTNAME with ADC16-based design BOF and then calibrates
>>>>>>> the serdes receivers.
>>>>>>> Options:
>>>>>>>     -i, --iters=N                    Number of snaps per tap [1]
>>>>>>>     -r, --reg=R1=V1[,R2=V2...]       Register addr=value pairs to set
>>>>>>>     -v, --[no-]verbose               Display more info [false]
>>>>>>>     -h, --help                       Show this message
>>>>>>> vishwa@server3:~/Desktop/roach/poly$ gem list adc16
>>>>>>> *** LOCAL GEMS ***
>>>>>>> adc16 (0.3.6)
>>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>>> *Vishwa Seneviratne*
>>>>>>> *Graduate Student*
>>>>>>> *Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering*
>>>>>>> *University of Akron*
>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 11:28 AM, David MacMahon <
>>>>>>> dav...@astro.berkeley.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>> What does "adc16_init.rb -h" show?  What does "gem list adc16"
>>>>>>>> show?  Maybe you need a newer version of the adc16 code.
>>>>>>>> Dave
>>>>>>>> On Feb 3, 2016, at 18:20, Vishwa Seneviratne <mp...@zips.uakron.edu>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Jack,
>>>>>>>> I'm thinking that the ruby script 'adc16_init.rb' does not identify
>>>>>>>> the '--demux' parameter. I used the code at 'git://
>>>>>>>> github.com/david-macmahon/casper_adc16.git'. What can I do to set
>>>>>>>> the parameter?
>>>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>>>> *Vishwa Seneviratne*
>>>>>>>> *Graduate Student*
>>>>>>>> *Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering*
>>>>>>>> *University of Akron*
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 11:02 AM, Vishwa Seneviratne <
>>>>>>>> mp...@zips.uakron.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Jack,
>>>>>>>>> I did try all the combinations. The error remains the same.
>>>>>>>>> $ adc16_init.rb -v --demux=1 poly_design.bof
>>>>>>>>> /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/adc16-0.3.6/bin/adc16_init.rb:40:in `<top
>>>>>>>>> (required)>': invalid option: --demux=2 (OptionParser::InvalidOption)
>>>>>>>>> from /usr/local/bin/adc16_init.rb:19:in `load'
>>>>>>>>> from /usr/local/bin/adc16_init.rb:19:in `<main>'
>>>>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>>>>> *Vishwa Seneviratne*
>>>>>>>>> *Graduate Student*
>>>>>>>>> *Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering*
>>>>>>>>> *University of Akron*
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 2:25 AM, Jack Hickish <
>>>>>>>>> jackhick...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Vishwa,
>>>>>>>>>> Is the syntax definitely -demux=1 andnot either --demux=1 or -d 1
>>>>>>>>>> ?
>>>>>>>>>> Jack
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, 3 Feb 2016, 12:39 a.m. Vishwa Seneviratne <
>>>>>>>>>> mp...@zips.uakron.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>> I am working on how to work with different operating of
>>>>>>>>>>> the 'ADC16x250-8 coax rev 2' for a very simple design to test how 
>>>>>>>>>>> the ADC
>>>>>>>>>>> works. The design is compiled at an IP clock rate setting of 
>>>>>>>>>>> 200MHz. My
>>>>>>>>>>> objective is to sample my input signal at higher sampling rate 
>>>>>>>>>>> (preferably
>>>>>>>>>>> 400, 800 MHz).
>>>>>>>>>>> According to the user guide ''
>>>>>>>>>>> https://casper.berkeley.edu/wiki/images/4/4c/ADC16_user_guide.txt";
>>>>>>>>>>> by setting the demux parameter I should be able to switch between 
>>>>>>>>>>> different
>>>>>>>>>>> sampling rates. I get the following error.
>>>>>>>>>>> $ adc16_init.rb -v -demux=1 poly_design.bof
>>>>>>>>>>> /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/adc16-0.3.6/bin/adc16_init.rb:40:in
>>>>>>>>>>> `<top (required)>': invalid option: -demux=2 
>>>>>>>>>>> (OptionParser::InvalidOption)
>>>>>>>>>>> from /usr/local/bin/adc16_init.rb:19:in `load'
>>>>>>>>>>> from /usr/local/bin/adc16_init.rb:19:in `<main>'
>>>>>>>>>>> When I don't pass the 'demux' parameter the ADC board get
>>>>>>>>>>> initialized to 8 analog inputs by default.
>>>>>>>>>>> How do I resolve this issue? or how can I set the ADC's to
>>>>>>>>>>> operate at different sampling rates?
>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you in advance
>>>>>>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>>>>>>> *Vishwa Seneviratne*
>>>>>>>>>>> *Graduate Student*
>>>>>>>>>>> *Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering*
>>>>>>>>>>> *University of Akron*

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