pH is the culprit here
Like some already mentioned
change your pH to 6.4 and use a different buffer like cacodylate
or you can use Zinc acetate in water pH still would be 6.4

from your last mail
why would you add Zn to your initial hit condition
is there any rationale?


On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 12:26 PM, Rajesh Kumar <> wrote:
> Dear All,
> This question sounds simple but I dont know the answer.
> I was preparing a 24 well crystal screen. When I try to use 10 mM  ZnSO4
> with HEPES (pH 7.6) buffer it precipitates. I tried both ZnCl2 and Zn
> acetate the effect is same.
> I dont know why this Zn in not compatible with HEPES.
> Could you please tell me why is this?
> I appreciate your help.
> Thanks
> Rajesh

Pius S Padayatti,PhD,
Phone: 216-658-4528

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