Personally, I think the productivity comment in .Net is off-base. I've been 
working in CF since version 1.5. For the past 5 years I've been working in both 
CF and ASP.Net. Honestly I'm just as productive in ASP.Net as CF at this point, 
some times more so. It's possible that it has to do with the amount of tools 
and libraries I've built up over the years.

This is just my personal opinion, my time these days is split about 70% .Net 
and 30% CF so take it for what it's worth. I think most people should at least 
know the basics in both.



-----Original Message-----
From: Bryn Parrott [] 
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 10:58 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Why .Net is on its last legs

> There is plenty of "sloppy code" in the you said, 
> it's ultimately about the developer, not the platform. 

I'm not so sure about that.
I've dabbled with .Net on and off over the last couple of years (every time I 
get depressed about job prospects in .CF ...)  and each time I'm driven back to 
CF's big advantage (as I see it) over .Net - productivity.

Microsoft seem to think that developers want to at the lowest level of nuts and 
bolts needed to put together their programs.
By contrast, CF developers can keep their eye at the customers level while 
delivering applications in half the time taken for equivalent functionality in 

I ponder the question as to why any Client and CIO would want to spend the 
extra money on writing an App in .Net (assuming they are aware of the 
productivity advantages of CF and other technologies); or indeed, on coverting 
an existing app written in CF to .Net (???)
This seems wierd to me.

The only answer that comes to mind is possibly that the CIO is interested in 
justifying his position, it is easy to represent CF as being older technology, 
and a move to .Net as being a move to newer more robust technology.
With .Net he gets to be in charge of a much larger development team, and a 
bigger budget.  

Does that line of reasoning hold water ?

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