Yes .. and also, without that contract with the label, I'm pretty sure you
wouldn't have gotten that 1/2 that you did. ;)

Contracts are always a good idea, even if they can't be enforced for some

Todd Ashworth

----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher Olive, CIO" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 3:15 PM
Subject: RE: Contract

| that's just crazy.  no disrespect to your previous situation, but working
| without a contract is a lot like not wearing your seatbelt.  it's fine, if
| nothing goes wrong.  if something DOES, you're in a world of hurt.
| "Requiring a contract sets a tone of mistrust"?  au contraire, it tells
| company for which you are doing the work that you are a professional.
| working for someone who thinks that you asking for a contract is
| "mistrustful" is the one that'll probably screw you in the end anyway.
| this is just my experience as a businessman.  YMMV.
| chris olive, cio
| cresco technologies
| -----Original Message-----
| From: Sean Daniels [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 2:27 PM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: RE: Contract
| > I haven't seen any sites like that, and there's probably good reason.  A
| > contract is a legal document, and laws vary per locality.  Your best bet
| > is to consult with a lawyer and have them to put together a "template"
| > that you can use.
| <cf_myopinion>
| Contracts usefulness are limited. Breach of contract suits are often more
| expensive than what you would get if you win. Requiring a contract sets a
| tone of mistrust. Plus the legal fees of hiring someone to set up the
| template for you.
| I say this with some experience, although not in the CF consulting field.
| Before I was a CF guy, I was in a band with a major label recording
| contract. Guess what? Major label hoses band, label wants out, band wants
| contractually obligated (no small amount) for breaking contract, label
| "too bad suckers", band can't do anything because the cost of fighting big
| biz in court is greater than that to be gained. Oh well. We settle for
| half.
| Anyway, lesson learned. I prefer to stay away from contracts. Thanks for
| letting me get that off of my chest. :)
| </cf_myopinion>
| - Sean

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