Hi Sean,

Meaning no disrepect to your experience, but I completely disagree that
"contracts usefulness are limited." You're right that a breach of contract
suit can cost more than any remedy you might obtain, but a well-drafted
contract can keep you out of court in the first place. A contract's use
isn't limited to the terms of payment; it also will govern liability and the
scope of the work to be completed. If you approach the contract with the
legal concept "meeting of the minds," there's no need for a contract to
create distrust.

Just my two cents. I'd hate for a new developer to read your post and forge
ahead without a contract.


Marc Garrett

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sean Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 2:26 PM
Subject: RE: Contract

> Contracts usefulness are limited. Breach of contract suits are often more
> expensive than what you would get if you win. Requiring a contract sets a
> tone of mistrust. Plus the legal fees of hiring someone to set up the
> template for you.

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