It's only 12 days ago that the move was done.
We could redo the move and then reapply all changes since the move.

It is a little extra work but if the historical information is important it is probably worth the effort.

-- Dirk

Mark R. Diggory wrote:

The only difficulty I have is that theres a great deal of historical information still in the sandbox cvs tree for math, even though the latest version has been deleted, you should review how many of these trees are historical and are actually now empty directory structures (all files deleted). These are easily removed from any cvs checkout using -Pd.

I'm not impressed with the way I moved the math project out of the sandbox, its version tree sould have been moved physically up to commons. This is a little late now, but we should consider moving other sandbox projects from now on in a way that maintains the historical information.


Dirk Verbeeck wrote:

I'm also willing to help a hand mavenizing the commons (sandbox) components.

What do you guys think about the maven setup of DBCP as example (menu layout/content)?

Shouldn't we cleanup the sandbox a bit first?
(tar & rm)
The following components are graduated out the sandbox:
betwixt        cli        codec
daemon        dbutils        digester
discovery    el        fileupload
jelly        jexl        lang
latka        launcher    logging
math        modeler        primitives

These components/directories can also be removed IMHO:
amend        empty
cjan        empty
graph        empty
latka-webapp    empty
morphos        empty
pattern        empty
cadastre    empty old avalon comp
cvs        empty dir
periodicity_1    empty dir
jdbc2pool    moved into dbcp
util        move into lang & collections
bzip2        moved into IO
altrmi        moved to incubator
jux        no real code
armi        old altrmi project
http        old httpclient
jpath        old jxpath
joran        only proposal 13 months old

The component template in the "proposal" directory should also be updated.

One last remark, there is a xmlunit component and there is also a sourceforge project with the same name:

-- Dirk

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