On 26/08/2003, at 07:44, Danny Angus wrote:

If anyone's counting a show of hands here I'm a European and +1 to opposing
software patents in Europe and +1 to the ASF supporting the demo.


+1 and +1!

just FYI: the ISOC members are currently discussing the same issues but it's probably also too late for them to get something official out of the door. Given the fact that ISOC is backed by an enormous amount of big players (M$, IBM, HP, Cisco, ...) and also software patent holders (mostly IETF folks), I find it really surprising to see a big part of them against software patents...

and finally another bit of thought food: Bruce Perens speaks on software patents...

In any case, I'd like to advise everyone to state your opposition by just writing to your Representative/Member of EU Parliament: see http://wwwdb.europarl.eu.int/ep5/owa/ p_meps2.repartition?ilg=EN&iorig=home for their mail and postal addresses.


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