> In the diagram, black has a chance to make a live group but
> only if white plays stupidly.

there's a nice rule of thumb that says that you should only
play moves whose outcome results in your opponent playing
*what you think is the best move*.  there's simply nothing
more irritating than someone attempting an unreasonable
invasion at the end of a game in order to try to turn a loss
into a win.  either they're assuming that you're unable to
respond correctly, or hoping that you'll run out of time.

exactly when this is the case -- that all reasonable people
would stop playing -- is of course determined by the relative
skill level of the players involved.  many games in practice
are resigned far before yose.

many computer programs can determine when
unambiguous end of game has occurred (i.e. when point-making
yose has finished), and it would be most friendly of them at that
point to discontinue playing.


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