On Fri, 2007-01-26 at 13:38 +0000, ivan dubois wrote:
> However, if you take for example a computer programm that does
> straight UCT (global UCT, with no sub-areas), then i believe it can
> not scale well when board size increases. Because the branching would
> factor increase proportinaly to the size of the board, and therefore
> the computation time for an equivalent search deapth will increase
> exponentialy.
> Any thoughts ? 

This can be tested directly.   In my own experiments 19x19 improves very
rapidly in UCT with each doubling of the number of play-outs.  

Of course someone will say, "yes, but that won't continue" and I will
have no way to refute their intuition.    

I am presenting real evidence that it scales at least as far as I 
can test,  and nobody has presented any evidence whatsoever to the
contrary other than gut feelings.

- Don

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