> Especially I was able to "reproduce" the
> following behaviour of MC in a very clear model:
> MC is playing most "goal-directed" ("zielgerichtet"
> in German) when the position is balanced or when
> the side of MC is slightly behind. However, when
> MC is clearly ahead or clearly behind it is playing rather
> lazy.
> Does someone here know, if there are or have been
> investigations on this topic in existing papers or
> projects (for instance in the context of computer go)?

There has been discussion here about dynamic komi to keep the winning rate
close to 50%. As far as I saw there was no clear conclusion about whether
that works. Some people argued that it should not exist and measuring
objective winning rates is always the right thing.

However, there is less and less doubt in my mind about that the effect you
describe exists and it hurts playing strength.

What exactly did you do when you say "reproduce in a clear model"?

We need a better understanding of what happens (which might point to a

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