Hi Robert,

we met for the first time at the EGC 2000 in Berlin-Strausberg.
I know your special ways of argumenting - and think that you
are an enrichment both for the go world and for the computer go scene.

But ...
> Without clarity, progress is delayed. Every 
> professor at university will confirm this to you.

as a professor of Mathematics (for 22 years now) I severely
question this point of view. Of course, when a student starts
studying Mathematics (s)he learns in the first two semesters that
everything has to be defined waterproof. Later, in particular
when (s)he comes near to doing own research, you have to make
compromises - otherwise you will never make much progress.

For research in general it is good to have waves:
moving forward in informal thoughts and handwaving proofs (and maybe 
even with a glass of beer in the hand) - then having another phase where
precision and clarity is on the agenda. And back to informal mode ...
Also a team of mathematicians will be most successful when they
have handwavers, dreamdancers, bean-counters, and formalists.

Accept that the world is multi-facetted, even our small
computer go community.

Cheers (without a beer at hand right now),
Computer-go mailing list

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