On 1/17/12 4:38 AM, Jouni Valkonen wrote:

My apologize, I trusted too much that GnuGo's score estimator would have
handled Chinese rules. So end result was not w+½ but b+½, because black
filled the last dame.

It looks like that indeed mirror go in handicap games is a problem for
gobots. I think that if it is abusive then it should be dealed as any
other sandbagging or rating abuse, i.e. deranking. I do not see that
singular mirror go trials (because they played in Hikaru no Go mirror
go) are problem, because it is extremely boring, if you are going to do
this in large and abusive scale. I once tried it against MFGo in even
game, and I was shocked when I realized that I was behind about 6
points. All the efforts were ruined!


There are ways to handle mane-go, which is a valid way to play. For instance, I have an sgf of a game between Cornel Burzo as W and a Euro 5d as B at h4 free placement. The Euro 5d made a ponnuki around k10 with his handi stones and then played mane-go. Cornel won the game. There is no reason to consider mane-go abusive.
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