On Oct 9, 2009, at 6:50 AM, David Golden wrote:
17. Better formalization of license field


Replace the list of strings for the "license" field with something
extensible and unambiguous. (RicardoSignes)


From the perspective of search.cpan I would like to see it have two properties 1) a name 2) a URL. perhaps for a list of specified names the URL could be omitted but I do not think we should restrict what should be in the license field

* When it comes to extensible and unambiguous identifiers, all roads
 eventually lead to URLs... (AdamKennedy);


* Right now, the only dual license you can specify is "perl".  What if
someone wants a dual Artistic 2/GPL 3 license? The current spec says this
 can only be a string; why not an array? [[User:elliot|Elliot Shank]]


* Licences can differ per-file - eg, code might be covered by
 Artistic1/GPL2, and doco by something CCish.  Or some code might be
Artistic1/GPL2 but one file borrowed from another project might be GPL2+. For plenty of distributions, a single entry (whether it be a string or an
 array) is misleading. [[User:DrHyde|David Cantrell]]

maybe some way of indicating that the distribution is of mixed licenses and
then listing all the licenses it is a mixture of.


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