On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 7:50 AM, David Golden <xda...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 17. Better formalization of license field
> Proposal:
> Replace the list of strings for the "license" field with something
> extensible and unambiguous. (RicardoSignes)

I would prefer to remove the "license" field entirely.

In the "resources" section, there is a "license" key.  Let's make that
a hash, instead, with name/URL pairs.  Any licenses which may apply to
any part of the distribution should be listed.  (I.e. multiple entries
do *not* mean license options like artistic/gpl)

Licensing is not something that is so simple that it can expressed
with confidence in a single field for an entire distribution.  By
listing it in resources instead, we make it easy for search.cpan.org
to provide useful information but ultimately, knowing the exact
license details will require people to read the source, not the META

-- David

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