On Fri, Mar 25, 2022 at 6:31 PM Robert Spier <rsp...@pobox.com> wrote:

>  Perl dev releases are taking up a large chunk of disk space on the CPAN 
> master server.
> Would you consider, instead of pushing them to CPAN, posting them to GitHub 
> using the releases functionality?

I think I've read the whole thread and I don't believe I've seen this
specific question answered.  Maybe everyone else already knew this,
but I did not know anything about creating GitHub releases so I went
looking.  First I confirmed that it does not appear to be a feature we
have ever used:


Then I wondered what it would take for release managers to add
creating a GitHub release to the monthly list.  Turns out you can do
it by filling out a moderate-complexity web form which includes
feeding it the relevant tag and uploading the release file:


or you can do it via API:


which would involve writing some tools or producing some gnarly curl
commands.  This doesn't look too awful but I've never been a release
manager, so maybe someone who has should comment on what that part of
it sounds like.

The other part is not publishing on CPAN.  Doesn't that effectively
hide dev releases from people who watch there for new releases but
don't follow p5p?  Is there a way for a metacpan.org download link to
point somewhere else other than cpan.metacpan.org?

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