On Fri, Mar 25, 2022, at 19:30, Robert Spier wrote:
> Would you consider, instead of pushing them to CPAN, posting them to GitHub 
> using the releases functionality?


I have considered it, and I think the short answer is, "It's worth 
considering."  It will break some amount of downstream tooling, like 
CPAN::Perl::Releases and, downstream of that, `plenv install`.  That makes me 
sort of reluctant to jump in with both feet.  It doesn't seem like a terrible 
idea or anything, just not something I feel like is an obvious win.

On the other hand, quite possibly pruning old dev releases aggressively and 
allowing them to be plucked from backpan is probably quite simple, and I 
suspect we can do this to older releases without requiring ever releaser to 
take individual action.  Would this be much of a help?

To test how well the tools will work when the release is only on backpan, I 
have boldly deleted 5.11.4 via PAUSE.  I'll check back on this in a week.


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