-Caveat Lector-

>From Sex to Superconsciousness - http://www.artnet.net/~acharya/truth

'Tis the season that drives nuts the intelligent and erudite, as we must
constantly be subjected to the stupidity, credulity and/or dishonesty of
the human race as a whole.  It is somewhat depressing and embarrassing to
be constantly reminded of being a member of such an idiotic species . . .
The enlightened on this planet are indeed held hostage by the

Needless to say, the vast majority of the human species is utterly asleep
to the real meaning of December 25th, which has absolutely nothing to do
with the birth of a superhuman Jewish savior 2,000 years ago.  In the
first place, the Jesus character is a fiction created by the mystery
schools of the Roman Empire.  Thus, he was NOT born at any time, except in
the minds of the conspirators.

The December 25th date actually represents the last day of the winter
solstice, when the SUN is born again after a long descent into the
"underworld" beginning at the summer solstice, six months earlier.  The
word "solstice" means "sun stands still," and from midnight of December
21st to midnight of December 24th, the sun appears to stand still, in that
the daylight hours continue to be the same, whereas they either lengthen
or shorten the rest of the year (except the summer solstice, of course).
In other words, from the northern hemisphere, the sun appears to be
weakening until December 25th, when it is born again and begins its annual
ascent north, once more bringing light and life to the planet.  It was for
this reason - and this reason alone - that the ancients celebrated the
birth of the "SUN of God" on December 25th, long before the Christian era.
When the solar hero was Judaized and historicized, the December 25th
birthdate was eventually attached to the newly created fable.  Rather than
reflecting the actual "birthdate" of a Jewish son of God, this date was
not included in the Christian tale until the Council of Nicea in 325, when
it was added in order to usurp the followers of the Persian son of
God/solar hero Mithra.  It seems that if it had been added earlier, it
would have been too obvious that Jesus was nothing more than a rehash of
the solar hero, as was basically admitted by the early Christian fathers.

Now, I'm sure the pedantic will point out that the winter solstice has not
always occurred on December 21-25 - yes, before the Roman Era the month
was not called December, and yes, because of the precession of the
equinoxes, the date changes.  Let us just say, then, that the "Christmas"
celebration in fact revolves around the WINTER SOLSTICE, whenever that may
be.  Obviously, the winter solstice in the southern hemisphere is six
months opposite.  It is sufficient to note, however, that whenever it has
occurred, it has been a source of great relief to people who were freezing
their asses off and desperately hoping that the sun would not continue to
shrink and eventually disappear.  Again, this desperation and relief are
the source of the tremendous celebration, not the birth of a guy of a
particular ethnicity.  In fact, such a celebration of the birth of a guy
of a particular ethnicity is just a load of racist rubbish and culture
bigotry, which is why this time of the year is painful to the enlightened.
As is obvious, the sun has no ethnicity, race or religion, and is
generally available to all.  The celebration of the birth of the solar
babe requires no prejudice against other cultures and no doctrinal crap
about being "sinners" in need of salvation, etc., ad nauseam.  It also
requires no belief whatsoever, whether in some silly "son of God" or his
psychotic father in the sky.

It also doesn't help to know that many, many people in power over the
centuries have known about this info - and continue to know.  That "sweet"
old man in Rome knows, yet he mindlessly goes along with the ruse in order
to enslave and exploit the masses.  Likewise, numerous scholars have
known, as have Masons and assorted other brotherhood members.  But, many
such individuals make quite a bit of money off this wretched hoax - $70
billion a year is given taxfree to religion in America alone - so these
guys never utter a word of truth.  One has to wonder how they can live
with themselves.  It is obvious they hold humanity in a tremendous amount
of contempt, which is somewhat easy when one considers how willing are the
masses themselves to go along with pretty, happy, happy fairytales.

Sigh.  I truly hope humankind will wake up to this information.  It is so
exhausting and sickening to combat the psychosis that passes itself off as
"faith."  Anybody got a spaceship?  I'm ready to get outta here.  :0

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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