-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 26 Dec 1998, Edward Britton wrote:
>BTW, wasn't there a study some years ago pertaining to the calculation of
>Christ's birth around the Roman census--purportedly between January and April?

There's an almost constant study into 'when was Jesus born?'...the year
varies from 6BCE to 3BCE, and the "season du jour" varies from spring to
autumn (NEVER summer or winter), based on the historian's own favorite
area of study...

By using Herod's census decree, the year can be pretty much narrowed
down...but people were given up to a year to go back to their town of
birth to be counted, so it's hard to narrow down the season based just on
this...just that it would be obvious that most people would probably
travel when conditions were optimal -- which perhaps suggests autumn,
since in spring there would be the possibility of impassable roads due to
spring rains, and snows melting on the mountaintops...

The 'fact' that the shepherds were out in the fields at night also
suggests autumn, as in winter they'd be back in town (or just outside of
it), in the summer they'd be up in the mountains, and in the spring
they'd be closer to town due to lambing...

But certain astronical events around that period -- a comet around 5BCE,
an ostensible supernova (both reported in Chinese chronicles) around
3BCE, both happened in the spring of the year...these two events have
been suggested as 'the star of Bethlehem'...


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