-Caveat Lector-

On 17 Dec 98 , Alamaine wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> Not to nose in nor to be imprudent, but:
> Ironically, whether the Congress or the people who (supposedly) put them
> there like it or not, the whole debate has raised the level of
> understanding about their government.  I'm not sure anyone really intended
> for this to happen or is ready for the results, outcome, or conclusion.  I
> liken it to a distilling process where all the ingredients -- including
> impurities -- are being precipitated out of the mass.  I have never seen
> the government in so much chaos -- it's as if the ship of state has been
> caught in a typhoon and we're hoping someone knows how to steer it to
> calmer waters.  Nonetheless, everyone's sailorness is being tested and new
> knowledge and skills are being gained at every tossing by the waves and
> every gust of wind.  I imagine some will be unable to keep their bearings
> and some will swept overboard.

Almaine, you write as if we're not all on this boat together, as if
most of us are not locked in steerage and have no chance to
contribute our sailorly skills.  Someone else is at the wheel and
they've made it clear they're not gonna take any advice. So, if the
boat's going down. we're all gonna go down together.

Personally, I think the guys ostensibly at the wheel need a course in
navigation pronto.


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