<<<<<<as I'd come to the conclusion that offering reasoned
argument against IG's wilder claims was a waste of time and effort, since he
simply resorts to saying he knows what's best for us, in true authoritarian
style. I've given up - life's too short. Perhaps he really is the malign
agent provocateur some have suggested, and not a policeman at all.>>>>>

Is this really the best that you can do?
What wild claims?
When have I ever said that I know what's best for anyone? Go on, I challenge
you to come up with an example.
Malign agent provocateur? Come on. What you really mean is that when someone
challenges the nice cosy world that you have built up around your distorted
beliefs, you don't like it.
You aren't interested in shooting as a sport, are you. Be honest.


PS In response to the allegation that I am hiding behind a cloak of
anonymity, made by another subscriber.....well, if the membership think that
is the case, I would welcome comments, either way. I am intrigued to know
what my refusal to identify myself has got to do with anything.
I am sure that even the person who made that typically ill informed comment
can grasp the concept that it would be a short step to discovering my
address, etc. for anyone who wanted to. Or does Mr Ayoobs course not teach
that the best form of self defence is not to need it at all?
IG is genuninely a copper everyone, I can vouch for that.

Ayoob and anyone else who is decent teaches the concept of
being observant.  I think Jeff Cooper boiled it down into some
sort of warning system, i.e. most people live in condition
white whereas you should live in condition yellow.

Frankly there were so many colours I could never remember it.

Be observant is the best advice.


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