From:   Jonathan Spencer, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>RAF insiders say that the Government has decided that it cannot afford the 
>ground support equipment needed to operate the 27mm Mauser cannon fully. 

Surely it already exists in the Tornado fleet?  More pointedly, any
aircraft that strafes ground troops is exposing itself to all manner of
weaponry from small arms fire to SHORAD etc.  Surely far better to use
air dropped cluster bombs from a safe height?

>While guided missiles provide the main armament of modern aircraft, machine 
>guns still have a place. They were used in the air-to-air role by Royal Navy 
>Sea Harriers during the Falklands conflict 

Yes, on a slow-flying C130 transport.  Were they also used for strafing?

>And if a pilot is in a dive, there is one sure way of 
>making the people on the ground keep their heads down: by using a gun."

Depends on who they are: Paras are more likely to return fire.  :-)

--Jonathan Spencer, firearms examiner

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty 
is a well armed lamb contesting the vote." 
Benjamin Franklin, 1759 

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