Hi All

I have installed the  DVEVM  software and now I am following the 
…./dvevm_1_10/codec_engine_1_02/examples/build_instructions.html file to try to 
build the example. And I am confuse with below questions:

1       “The Build.targets array specifies which targets you want to build for. 
By default, the C64P, MVArm9, and Linux86 targets are enabled.”  And I am using 
the DVEVM board with DM6446, but I want to treat the DSP-side as a black-box, 
so does it mean I should choose “MVArm9” here? Should I comment the “C64P” and 
“Linux86” in the user.bld file? And what is the exactly meaning of the “C64P” 
and the “MVArm9” here?

2       “Specify where your BIOS installation is:
Uncomment the BIOS_INSTALL_DIR= line and specify the absolute path to your 
DSP/BIOS installation directory (Currently, DSP/BIOS is not available for ARM 
or x86, so this is only necessary when building DSP-side content).”  I can’t 
find the BIOS_INSTALL_DIR at all, does it release with the DVEVM Software? And 
I can’t find the FC_INSTALL_DIR either.

3       As I can’t find the BIOS_INSTALL_DIR and FC_INSTALL_DIR, I think maybe 
I can do something without building DSP-side content. Then I modify the 
“REQUIRE_BIOS=0”, comment the “FC_INSTALL_DIR=…” in the xdcpaths.mak file.  
When I try to build example codec and change the  
…./dvevm_1_10/codec_engine_1_02/examples/codec dir and type 

gmake clean 

the shell tell me that the FC_INSTALL_DIR is wrong.

So can I build the example codec running in the DVEVM board without building 
DSP-side content? How?
And can I download the DSP/BIOS and FC from TI freely? Or I should pay for them?
Thank you very much!
Best Regards!


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