
I'm sorry that there is something worng with my mail_server.
Below is my questions.

If I wnat to rebuild the dsp server, what tools should I have? 
Can I rebuild the dsp server just use the software packages deliver with the 

Thank you very much! 

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Ring, Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Mon, 8 Jan 2007 01:33:21 -0600

>1.  If you _just_ want to rebuild the ARM-side examples, you can comment
>out C64P and Linux86 from the Build.targets array.  What are these
>   * C64P == the "DSP side of DaVinci" target.  It's one of TI's DSP
>processor families
>lyId=132&tabId=489> ).
>   * MVArm9 == "MontaVista Arm 9" target.  This is the ARM side of
>   * Linux86 == "Intel's x86" target.  A not-always-understood detail
>about Codec Engine is that it can run "natively" on x86 processors.
>This feature's got some limitations (codecs must be "local", and must
>not access hardware since they run in user mode), but you can do a fair
>amount of development on this environment.
>2 & 3.  As you correctly supposed, BIOS is only needed if you're
>building DSP-side content (same with FC - Framework Components).  You
>should set "REQUIRE_BIOS = 0".
>BUT... Looks like you've identified a bug in xdcpaths.mak where it's
>always verifying your FC_INSTALL_DIR, even if you're only building for
>the ARM.  Bummer.  In your case, since you don't have (or need!) a valid
>FC installation, you can safely comment out the $(error ...) statement
>in xdcpaths.mak:
>ifeq ($(wildcard
>#$(error FC_INSTALL_DIR is set to "$(FC_INSTALL_DIR)", which is invalid.
>Set this in <codec engine examples>/xdcpaths.mak! See the build
>documentation to correct this error.)
>As well as the assignment of MISC_PACKAGES to include
>$(FC_INSTALL_DIR)/packages at the very end:
>We'll fix this in a future CE release.  Thanks for flagging this, and
>let me know if you have any other questions/issues.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
><mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>> ] On Behalf Of Beny Zhang
>> Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2007 6:27 AM
>> To: davinci-linux-open-source
>> Cc: zwx304
>> Subject: Problems of buliding codec engine examples
>> Hi All
>> I have installed the  DVEVM  software and now I am
>> following the
>> ..../dvevm_1_10/codec_engine_1_02/examples/build_instructions.ht
>> ml file to try to build the example. And I am confuse with
>> below questions:
>> 1     "The Build.targets array specifies which targets you
>> want to build for. By default, the C64P, MVArm9, and Linux86
>> targets are enabled."  And I am using the DVEVM board with
>> DM6446, but I want to treat the DSP-side as a black-box, so
>> does it mean I should choose "MVArm9" here? Should I comment
>> the "C64P" and "Linux86" in the user.bld file? And what is
>> the exactly meaning of the "C64P" and the "MVArm9" here?
>> 2     "Specify where your BIOS installation is:
>> Uncomment the BIOS_INSTALL_DIR= line and specify the absolute
>> path to your DSP/BIOS installation directory (Currently,
>> DSP/BIOS is not available for ARM or x86, so this is only
>> necessary when building DSP-side content)."  I can't find the
>> BIOS_INSTALL_DIR at all, does it release with the DVEVM
>> Software? And I can't find the FC_INSTALL_DIR either.
>> 3     As I can't find the BIOS_INSTALL_DIR and
>> FC_INSTALL_DIR, I think maybe I can do something without
>> building DSP-side content. Then I modify the
>> "REQUIRE_BIOS=0", comment the "FC_INSTALL_DIR=..." in the
>> xdcpaths.mak file.  When I try to build example codec and
>> change the  ..../dvevm_1_10/codec_engine_1_02/examples/codec
>> dir and type
>> gmake clean
>> the shell tell me that the FC_INSTALL_DIR is wrong.
>> So can I build the example codec running in the DVEVM board
>> without building DSP-side content? How?
>> And can I download the DSP/BIOS and FC from TI freely? Or I
>> should pay for them?
>> Thank you very much!
>> Best Regards!
>> Beny

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