It seems there is no simple way to change the memory map, because the DSP
executable need a fix memory map, so when you changed your memory map you
will rebuild all things related to DSP, such as dsp link, codec engine. 
you can following this
link:http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

George Gu
(Xiangyu Gu)
Wintech Digital System Co.
Beijing, China
Ph: 8610-8278-2828 ext.168
Fax: 8610-8278-0028
http://www.wintechdigtal.com <http://www.wintechdigtal.com/> 



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Beny Zhang
Sent: 2007年1月8日 17:15
To: Ring, Chris; davinci-linux-open-source
Cc: zwx304
Subject: Fwd: Re: RE: Problems of buliding codec engine examples

Thanks for your kindly help. And now I have correctly build the examples of
the codec engine.
Before I run the examples I want to make clearly of this question:
We know from TI that the DVEVM board should have 256MB DDR Memory, but the
DVEVM board I boughth from Wintech(the dealer of TI in China) 
has only 64MB DDR Meomory on the board!
Now, how can I set the memory map of the Davinci to run the exanples?
Since the rules of setting the memory map is so complex in the
build_instructions.html file.
It is there any easy way to do this?
Best Regards!

1.  If you _just_ want to rebuild the ARM-side examples, you can comment out
C64P and Linux86 from the Build.targets array.  What are these targets?
   * C64P == the "DSP side of DaVinci" target.  It's one of TI's DSP
processor families (
   * MVArm9 == "MontaVista Arm 9" target.  This is the ARM side of DaVinci.
   * Linux86 == "Intel's x86" target.  A not-always-understood detail about
Codec Engine is that it can run "natively" on x86 processors.  This
feature's got some limitations (codecs must be "local", and must not access
hardware since they run in user mode), but you can do a fair amount of
development on this environment.

2 & 3.  As you correctly supposed, BIOS is only needed if you're building
DSP-side content (same with FC - Framework Components).  You should set

BUT... Looks like you've identified a bug in xdcpaths.mak where it's always
verifying your FC_INSTALL_DIR, even if you're only building for the ARM.
Bummer.  In your case, since you don't have (or need!) a valid FC
installation, you can safely comment out the $(error ...) statement in


ifeq ($(wildcard $(FC_INSTALL_DIR)/packages/ti/sdo/fc/dskt2/package.xdc),)
#$(error FC_INSTALL_DIR is set to "$(FC_INSTALL_DIR)", which is invalid.
Set this in <codec engine examples>/xdcpaths.mak! See the build
documentation to correct this error.)


As well as the assignment of MISC_PACKAGES to include
$(FC_INSTALL_DIR)/packages at the very end:


We'll fix this in a future CE release.  Thanks for flagging this, and let me
know if you have any other questions/issues.


> -----Original Message-----
> [ <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ] On Behalf Of Beny Zhang
> Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2007 6:27 AM
> To: davinci-linux-open-source
> Cc: zwx304
> Subject: Problems of buliding codec engine examples
> Hi All
> I have installed the  DVEVM  software and now I am
> following the
> …./dvevm_1_10/codec_engine_1_02/examples/build_instructions.ht
> ml file to try to build the example. And I am confuse with
> below questions:
> 1     “The Build.targets array specifies which targets you
> want to build for. By default, the C64P, MVArm9, and Linux86
> targets are enabled.”  And I am using the DVEVM board with
> DM6446, but I want to treat the DSP-side as a black-box, so
> does it mean I should choose “MVArm9” here? Should I comment
> the “C64P” and “Linux86” in the user.bld file? And what is
> the exactly meaning of the “C64P” and the “MVArm9” here?
> 2     “Specify where your BIOS installation is:
> Uncomment the BIOS_INSTALL_DIR= line and specify the absolute
> path to your DSP/BIOS installation directory (Currently,
> DSP/BIOS is not available for ARM or x86, so this is only
> necessary when building DSP-side content).”  I can’t find the
> BIOS_INSTALL_DIR at all, does it release with the DVEVM
> Software? And I can’t find the FC_INSTALL_DIR either.
> 3     As I can’t find the BIOS_INSTALL_DIR and
> FC_INSTALL_DIR, I think maybe I can do something without
> building DSP-side content. Then I modify the
> “REQUIRE_BIOS=0”, comment the “FC_INSTALL_DIR=…” in the
> xdcpaths.mak file.  When I try to build example codec and
> change the  …./dvevm_1_10/codec_engine_1_02/examples/codec
> dir and type
> gmake clean
> the shell tell me that the FC_INSTALL_DIR is wrong.
> So can I build the example codec running in the DVEVM board
> without building DSP-side content? How?
> And can I download the DSP/BIOS and FC from TI freely? Or I
> should pay for them?
> Thank you very much!
> Best Regards!
> Beny

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