Darren Duncan wrote:
At 7:01 AM -0700 8/4/04, Jeff Zucker wrote:

It is not a "miscellaneous extra" that \%attrs is a parameter to virtually every method in the DBI or that passing \%attrs does a fundamentally different thing than passing $dsn, or $sql or $value.

I was not referring to \%attrs in my comment. Rather, I see those as being fundamentally the same as $dsn or $sql or $value because those are all *method arguments*. It is just positional vs named arguments, but arguments none-the-less.

Except that the other arguments specify what to operate on and \%attrs specifies how to operate.

Do you see what I am talking about?

I think so, I was only reacting to your statement that the use of tied hashes is "miscellaneous" and "extra". It may not be your preferred API, but it is consistent and central.


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