Thanks Jeff - didn't know about that, but the Active State documentation
pages are very nice!

One question - does the documentation for CPAN modules that I install
get inserted into the Active State documentation?  For example, I have
DBI installed but I can't seem to locate it in the Active State
documentation - is it there somewhere?



>>> Jeff Zucker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 06/04/04 09:56AM >>>
Hardy Merrill wrote:
> Hi Randal,
> I'm a relative newbie on Windoze XP, but in order to view the
> there I have to bring up a command prompt window and type 'perldoc

I don't know XP, but on 98, go to 
start-programs-activestate-documentation and you'll find a fully 
HTMLized version of the perldocs and moudle pods.  You can use window's

"Find" to do full text searches on it.


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