On 12/6/05, Martin J. Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 06-Dec-2005 Andy Hassall wrote:
> > If this is the case, then it seems that Google Groups should either make
> > their version of the group read-only (this would seem to be the most
> > sensible option since it's really a mailing list you should subscribe to),
> > or fix the apparent propagation problem from postings made on their
> > interface back to the source (nntp.perl.org).
> I find it rather disturbing I can be posting to the dbi-user list and someone
> can answer on google groups and I don't see it. If google intend it to work
> this way I'm amazed and rather worried as I didn't see anything on google
> groups that made this clear.

As a former usenet admin I can attest that configuing the news server
to propoagate
the perl.* groups out through nntp.perl.org would be trival.  If
nntp.perl.org wants to
allow unverified content arriving through that channel to get copied out to
subsciber-only mailing lists, that's another story, as usenet can be
awfully spammy.

Google has pretty good junk filters though, so maybe opening that channel would
be a good thing, if googlegroups doesn't send any junk through.

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