On 5/17/23 10:14, Pascal Hambourg wrote:
On 17/05/2023 at 16:47, Peter Ehlert wrote:
On May 17, 2023 5:48:14 AM Pascal Hambourg <pas...@plouf.fr.eu.org> wrote:

The proposed patch has not been accepted yet so is not applied to RC3.

Thanks, I was not aware of that.

If you are still willing to test it I can send you instructions.

Yes, I would like to try.
Instructions need to be simple. This is obviously new to me.

1. Copy the attached patched grub-installer onto a second USB drive formatted with FAT, ext* or any filesystem type the installer can read.

2. Start the installer (expert install recommended).

3. Between the steps "Load installer components from installation media" and "Install the GRUB boot loader", switch to a shell with Ctrl+Alt+F2.

4. Connect and mount the second USB drive seen as /dev/sdXY :
# mount -r /dev/sdXY /mnt

I am unable to get it to mount

using blkid I see the second USB as /dev/sdf1 with the label I gave it "grub-installer"

however running # mount -r /dev/sdf1 /mnt
mount: mounting /dev/sdf1 on /mnt failed: Invalid argument

5. Copy the file (check the executable permission is preserved):
# cp /mnt/grub-installer /usr/bin/grub-installer

6. Unmount and disconnect the USB drive:
# umount /mnt

7. Switch back to the installer with Alt+F1 if text or Alt+F5 if graphic, and resume the installation.

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