On Fri, 8 Jan 2016 14:24:52 +0100, Christian Seiler
<christ...@iwakd.de> wrote:
> - Instead it was proposed to use password agents (see [1]) for this.
> - Problem with that is that the password agents don't support
>   arbitrary binary data, which is needed for keys (they only support
>   plain text).

And there is no example code for a password agent aside of some proof
of concept code in python (which is not recommended to use in
production) and the whole concept breaks if the unlocking scheme for
filesystem A involves unlocking filesystem B because it has part of
the key.

This is not a replacement for keyscripts, it is a triangle instead of
a wheel.

>As far as I can tell, this is a case where upstream's goal of creating
>the best technical solution for a problem gets in the way of having
>something that works at all.


>and the reason why this didn't
>affect Jessie much worse is that initramfs-tools still support
>keyscript=, so unlocking the rootfs still works via this mechanism.

Which leaves the issue of unlocking the other filesystems that need
unlocking for the system to run. I have resorted to unlocking
everything I need in the initramfs, which had the result of making
initramfs more complex, not easier. Well done, systemd.

>And it'd be one thing if a proper solution had been around the corner
>and this feature had been missing for a couple of months, but it has
>been years, and there is no perspective on when a patch for this would
>be accepted upstream, because (from what I read on the mailing list)
>they appear to want to have early-boot IPC before touching the
>password agent code again - which means it could take another 2 or 3


>And yes, I get why what has been proposed upstream is better in the
>long term,

I don't. It introduces thousands of lines of code of complexity in
early boot which already is hard enough to debug.

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