On Fri, 8 Jan 2016 17:54:49 +0000, Jonathan McDowell
<nood...@earth.li> wrote:
>You're not communicating clearly and this is indeed causing problems in
>this thread. You said "all my clients run unstable", not "all my client
>machines run unstable". You've also later said "I've not installed any
>new Debian systems at any client site". It is not unreasonable that the
>casual reader will assume you are using the term to mean a 3rd party who
>you are managing system for.

You're right to blame for only speaking english for 30 years of my
life and living in a country where TV programs are dubbed. I am also
deeply worried about the Operating System I still care about after 15
years and which works so hard to feel not like a home any more.

>To attempt to add some signal to my noise, the gist of this thread seems
>to be that Marco wants to make it easy for those who wish to have a
>merged /usr to do so, and is not planning to force this upon anyone.

I would believe that if it were somebody else.

>far as I can tell what he wants to happen is a) files in / and /usr
>locations not to conflict and b) policy to state that this should be the

If that is really the gist of those editorial changes[1], then this is
actually a misunderstanding. Maybe UsrMerge is even a misnomer.


[1] pun intended
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