On Thu, Feb 06, 2020 at 07:44:43AM +1100, Dmitry Smirnov wrote:
> > We just had a GR where the project voted it was just fine to systemd all
> > the things, so this sort of thing is to be expected.
> Are you suggesting that voters fully understood the implications?
> Is this OK now to replace everything with systemd counterparts?

> I certainly voted with considerations for _init_ system.
> If I recall correctly, no GR option suggested to "use as much systemd 
> components as possible" or I think the outcome of GR could have been 
> different...
The winning option says "Packages may use any systemd facility at the
package maintainer's discretion, provided that this is consistent with
other Policy requirements and the normal expectation that packages
shouldn't depend on experimental or unsupported (in Debian) features of
other packages".
You can read it at https://www.debian.org/vote/2019/vote_002#textb


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