On Thursday, 6 February 2020 9:04:33 AM AEDT Michael Stone wrote:
> Nobody said "exclusively" except you!

It was suggested that default will change and I'm concerned about that.

> Either option has benefits and
> disadvantages, but for some reason you're arguing as though 1) only your
> particular use cases matter

Nonsense. It is not "my case" but established default that remained stable 
for as long as I can remember. That would be for about a decade.

> and 2) continuing to use rsyslog isn't an option if the default changes.

No. I just don't want default to change. IMHO rationale for this is weak but 
everybody keeps arguing that it would not be a big deal. In time we will see 
how that goes (what could possibly go wrong?) but why do the change in first 

I'm resting the case as I have nothing left to add...

 Dmitry Smirnov.


A wise man proportions his belief to the evidence.
        -- David Hume, "An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding"

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