On Wed, Feb 05, 2020 at 09:28:27PM -0500, Michael Stone wrote:
> > No. I just don't want default to change.
> Nothing is worse for the debian project than for every single suggestion
> that something change be met with opposition that boils down to opposition
> to change. Things have changed before, they will change again, and honestly
> the impact of most of those changes is very small (for either better or
> worse) and certainly they are not things that should be met with the level
> of emotional response that they are. If anything has changed for the worse
> in the project it's this sense we aren't allowed to change things anymore.

amen to that.

this thread is (mostly) really awful (and the proposed change just fine, IMO).


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There are no jobs on a dead planet. (Also many other things but people mostly
seem to care about jobs.)

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