On Thu, Feb 06, 2020 at 09:50:36AM +1100, Dmitry Smirnov wrote:
On Thursday, 6 February 2020 9:04:33 AM AEDT Michael Stone wrote:
Nobody said "exclusively" except you!

It was suggested that default will change and I'm concerned about that.

And yet you said "exclusively" and generally argued in a confrontational manner that seems unwilling to accept a minor change because you just don't want to consider use cases other than your own habits.

Either option has benefits and
disadvantages, but for some reason you're arguing as though 1) only your
particular use cases matter

Nonsense. It is not "my case" but established default that remained stable
for as long as I can remember. That would be for about a decade.

Well, my memory goes back more than twice as long and I remember it changing before. I remember not being particularly happy with rsyslog when it became the default, but it didn't really matter that much so it didn't particularly bother me either. rsyslog was (and is) one of *several* alternatives, and has advantages and disadvantages compared to each of them.

and 2) continuing to use rsyslog isn't an option if the default changes.

No. I just don't want default to change.

Nothing is worse for the debian project than for every single suggestion that something change be met with opposition that boils down to opposition to change. Things have changed before, they will change again, and honestly the impact of most of those changes is very small (for either better or worse) and certainly they are not things that should be met with the level of emotional response that they are. If anything has changed for the worse in the project it's this sense we aren't allowed to change things anymore.

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