On Fri, 19 May 2023 at 12:42, Steve McIntyre <st...@einval.com> wrote:
> Guillem Jover wrote:
> >On Thu, 2023-05-18 at 12:01:40 -0700, Steve Langasek wrote:
> ...
> >> > > * … but NOT on i386.  Because i386 as an architecture is primarily of
> >> > >   interest for running legacy binaries which cannot be rebuilt against 
> >> > > a new
> >> > >   ABI, changing the ABI on i386 would be counterproductive, as 
> >> > > mentioned in
> >> > >   https://wiki.debian.org/ReleaseGoals/64bit-time.
> >>
> >> > Like Russ, I'm also dubious about this, and introduces a special case
> >> > and complexity that does not seem warranted TBH. If this was the case it
> >> > would seem to me it would disallow SOVERSION bumps for example, which we
> >> > have never been concerned with.
> >>
> >> I didn't see anything in Russ's email in this thread that implied he was
> >> dubious of this approach?  He simply has a library he maintains for which 
> >> he
> >> believes binary compatibility is uninteresting.
> >
> >Ah, indeed, just reread the specific paragraph now, sorry Russ! :)
> >
> >> FWIW in Ubuntu where we maintain i386 strictly as an architecture for
> >> compatibility with third-party binaries, we have 1034 source packages that
> >> build Arch: i386 debs.  Not all of those source packages are shared
> >> libraries, but enough of them are that manually updating them to maintain
> >> ABI compatibility on i386 would be a substantial amount of work.  In terms
> >> of overall complexity, I think the scales tip in favor of the toolchain not
> >> defaulting to _TIME_BITS=64 on i386.
> >
> >The problem with obsolete packages is also shared by all other arches,
> >and for those and for local packages the dependency system works for
> >the user and should let them know whether they can upgrade or they
> >would need to remove such packages. For other local FOSS packages
> >they might just be able to rebuild them.
> >
> >Excluding i386 from this transition seems to me will pretty much
> >sentence it, and would also make it rather hard to perform that
> >transition cleanly going forward if people want to keep it alive. And
> >while Debian might eventually remove it from its official ports, we
> >have multiple old ports that are still maintained and used.
> >
> >If the main reason is to support non-free binaries, at least to me
> >that does not seem like a very compelling reason. And people can
> >always use old chroots or similar I guess?
> i386 is in a really awkward situation here, I think. Nobody is working
> on it explicitly any more (AFAICS?), but its history as by far the
> most common architecture means that:
>  * we still have a (very!) long tail of installations using it
>  * there are *massively* more old binaries available for it, free,
>    proprietary *and* locally-built
> Moving forwards, we need to make a call on what we want i386 for. I
> was hoping to wait until after bookworm is released to have the meat
> of that discussion, but...
> I'm planning on stopping publishing installer images for i386
> soon. Why? We should be strongly encouraging users to move away from
> it as a main architecture. If they're still installing i386 on 64-bit
> hardware, then that's a horrible mistake. If they're still running
> i386 *hardware*, then they should be replacing that hardware with more
> modern, more capable, more *efficient* stuff.
> As and when we switch i386 to a secondary status like this (however we
> label it!), then I think we should *only* consider it as a
> compatibility layer for older software. People *could* just use old
> chroots or similar, but the need is likely to be around for a
> while.

+1 for stopping publishing installers for i386, it has been mentioned
many times but it's always worth repeating: electricity costs to keep
running i386 hardware are already way higher than what it costs to buy
a cheap, low-power replacement like a raspberry pi, that also provides
better performance.

Just to clarify, by 'soon' here, do you mean for Bookworm too, or post-Bookworm?

Kind regards,
Luca Boccassi

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