At 2023-05-19T15:32:40+0100, Colin Watson wrote:
> I occasionally use 32-bit x86 even today (mostly for not very good
> historical reasons, but nevertheless), and I do it by using a 32-bit
> container on a 64-bit x86 machine instead.  It's much faster to run,
> and it doesn't depend on installer support.  There are doubtless edge
> cases where you need a completely separate kernel, but they aren't
> really ones I run into.

Yeah, I knew the containerization rejoinder would arise but failed to
pre-empt it.  And since time_t is a userland problem, it's probably good
enough for the subject of the parent thread.  But I still feel a twinge
of worry for the _unanticipated_ problems...

I am probably also utterly failing to manage my secret desire that by
2037 we'll all[1] be running RISC-V 64 and that no major fab in the
world will still be etching dies of x86-{32,64} cores.

You can laugh at my optimism now.


[1] Not all.  I hope there will still be m68k machines humming away.

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