At 2023-05-19T15:03:40+0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:
> Luca Boccassi wrote:
> >+1 for stopping publishing installers for i386, it has been mentioned
> >many times but it's always worth repeating: electricity costs to keep
> >running i386 hardware are already way higher than what it costs to
> >buy a cheap, low-power replacement like a raspberry pi, that also
> >provides better performance.
> Exactly.
> My plan is therefore [...]  to disable those builds for testing/trixie
> ~immediately after the release.
> If people have strong opinions about that plan, let us know please.

Well, maybe not a strong view, but a sense of vague unease--possibly an
ill-informed one.  As someone who has used SIMH for "real" work[1], I
have to ask how someone would conduct an install to a 32-bit x86 machine
running under emulation, assuming no OS on the simulated machine.
Ordinarily, I'd turn to this:

What happens to that with trixie?

I think simulation of 32-bit x86 will get _more_ important as year 2038
approaches, not less, because in about 2037, people will suddenly notice
they need to test things before deployment.

And there are reasons we might not anticipate today.[2]


[1] Running nroff and troff on an emulated PDP-11/45 running Version 7
    Unix, to resolve compatibility defects in groff and settle arguments
    about "authentic" Unix *roff behavior.


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