On Fri, Jun 25, 2004 at 01:13:10PM +0200, Joachim Breitner wrote:
> >  At least the splash screen of "Flight of the Amazon Queen" when you
> > start it is misleading at large, too:
> > 
> >   Unauthorized copying, reproduction, adoption, rental, public
> >   performance, broadcast or other exploitation of this product is
> >   strictly prohibited and constitutes a violation of applicable laws
> >   which may give rise to both civil liability and criminal penalties.
> > (hand typed and thus typos might be in it)
> Should be fixed, but it's not RC. Feel free to file a bug.


What I found strange and RC, (but haven't acted upon yet) is that I
could not find any source. the upstream package just contains binary
file (queen.1c for Flight of the Amazon Queen) that is copied into the
package. I haven't looked into scummvm if there is a tool to decompile
the game into something more sutable for change.


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                      #         wrapping coax around sources of strong
 jens persson         #   electric or magnetic fields. Do not wrap the
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    #     cable around flourescent light ballasts or
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 S-224 66 LUND;SWEDEN #                  - Ethernet Headstart Product,
                      #            Information and Installation Guide,
                      #                      Bell Technologies, pg. 11

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