Joachim Breitner wrote:

> Hi,
> Am Fr, den 25.06.2004 schrieb Gerfried Fuchs um 12:11:
>>   3) You may not charge a fee for the game itself. This includes
>>  reselling the game as an individual item.
>>  Doesn't this violate point 1 of the DFSG?
> AFAIK it is ok, as long as it is allowed to distribute it as part of
> something (like Debian). Similar situation as with Bitstream's Vera
> font: (quote from doc/copyright):
>>    The Font Software may be sold as part of a larger software package but
>>    no copy of one or more of the Font Software typefaces may be sold by
>>    itself.
> Basically the same it, and seems to be free.

This is basically a trick of wording.  If the license lets you ship it with
the one-character shell script containing the letter 'w' and charge for
that, then that's good enough.

>>  At least the splash screen of "Flight of the Amazon Queen" when you
>> start it is misleading at large, too:
>>   Unauthorized copying, reproduction, adoption, rental, public
>>   performance, broadcast or other exploitation of this product is
>>   strictly prohibited and constitutes a violation of applicable laws
>>   which may give rise to both civil liability and criminal penalties.
>> (hand typed and thus typos might be in it)
> Should be fixed, but it's not RC. Feel free to file a bug.

Technically, it's true; it's just there's a *lot* of authorized uses!

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

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