Paul Jakma <> writes:
> On Wed, 20 Mar 2019, Ole Streicher wrote:
>> Those files do not use GPL code; they just refer to it. No line of that
>> code was originated in GPL licensed code.
> Ah, you're in the "copyright only protects literal copying" camp, and
> you don't acknowledge the concept of derived works.

In the GPL case, it protects /modified/ code copies.

|  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
| of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and [...]

The example I brought, was written from scratch, it was therefore not a
"modified copy".

> Copyright gives authors of works not just the right not to just
> control literal copying, but also a controlling right in any
> adaptations of their work (amongst other things).

My example

#include <log.h>
int main(void) { zlog_rotate(); return 0; }

is not an adaption of any GPL code. It is fully written by my
own. Therefore, I don't need to respect the GPL to distribute it. The
same is true for the FRR code as far as I have seen it.

Otherwise you must point to a certain code file and prove that it
contains code which is a modified copy of an GPLed file. Which you not
did yet.



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