On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 05:12:57PM +0200, Nicolas George wrote:
> Le sextidi 26 prairial, an CCXXIV, Tanstaafl a écrit :
> > This is why Reply-To-List is the way to reply when engaged in a mailing
> > list.
> > 
> > If your client doesn't have this, then maybe it is time to consider
> > changing.
> I am not sure what you are aiming at. If "Reply-To-List" is supposed to be a
> message header, as the typography, then you can observe that it is not
> present in most of the mails on this mailing-list.

It's as simple as pressing 'L' in mutt.

I agree that if you are unsure if the poster is a new poster and *may* not
be subscribed, then sure CC them, but to continue to CC someone when they
have explicitly asked not to be is just plain rude.

The media's the most powerful entity on earth. 
They have the power to make the innocent guilty 
and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power.
 -- Malcolm X

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