From: Dan Purgert <>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2023 07:45:13 -0400
Message-id: <[🔎]>
In-reply-to: <[🔎]>

Thank you, Mr. Purgert, for replying to my message. This
self-annihilating proprietary ecosystem needs to crumble down. I agree
with you, but we in Bharat have presently very little to no other

My nation actually became independent from the Brit exploitative
controls only in 2014. It will take some time for us to build our own
tech infrastructure and get back to our historical GDP levels, as
discussed by Angus Maddison, reflected in

We were a civilisation far advanced than even the modern world,
(considering the positive non-zero sum cooperative Games surrounding
our Mandir ecosystem) truly globally spread out, nearly overrun by the
twin hostile cults from the resource-stressed lands, first the
perpetually-thirsty hordes, then by the "Doctrine of Discovery" Papal
Bull "Inter Caetera" issued by Pope Alexander VI on May 4, 1493.

Which is why the west will never acknowledge our true gifts to the
humankind. Cursorily, here and there, they will say that India
contributed "0". But imagine using the Roman numeral system for even
simple computations, which the west used until the 1st invaders took
our computations with them.

Our texts record that the principles of Gravity was discovered many
centuries before the thief. Also, Pre-calculus. And much more. For
instance, this Indix short video: Indians Discovered Theory of
Gravitation or Sir Isaac Newton, at Had we not
been invaded upon by parasitic zombies, may be, the origin of
antikythera device would have been traced back to Bharat. Could have
Antikythera device been possible without a rudimentary compound
microscope? Only Bharat had a continual civilisation since at least
the eruption of Mount Toba. Dig a little further and you might be

Good references would be Rajiv Malhotra's Breaking India, The History
Of India As Told By Its Historians, by Henry Miers Elliot and the
several studies on global migration patterns using epigenetic markers
which indicate an Out Of Bharat Theory and decimates the Aryan
Invasion Myth.

We are gradually getting back to our feet. We will hopefully reset the
1000 years exploitations, much wiser than earlier. Along the way the
faux cults shall be self-obliterated because of their lies getting
exposed. Perhaps the truly cognitively-retards will continue to follow

Imagine that Bharat didn't invade any nation! We spread the message of
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam: We All Are One family. The Holographic Universe
is reflected in The Upanishads; and much more ...

So with the above perspective and getting back to my queries ...
Therefore, a Link to the list of cards, preferably in Debian, like the
one mentioned earlier as DeviceDatabase/PCI, which to buy from, would
be welcome.
Then let us see if the HP BIOS interferes with the card. If required,
I would try to find if a Framework Laptop by Nirav Patel, Founder of
Framework and Team Framework, is available nearby.
One small step at a time.

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