Rick Hillegas wrote:
> Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
>> I read Rick's note on the 10.2 licensing issue in an archive because of
>> strange move to the user list, so sorry for the weird quoting :
>> He said :
>> "I must report today that the restrictions imposed by the beta JDK
>> license have not been lifted.
>> As you know, the JDK 6 beta license requires a disclaimer that bars the
>> use of the code for any productive use....
>> snip
>> ...For this reason, we, the Derby community must change our
>> plan to ship imminently an official release of Derby that includes
>> JDBC4."
>> Let me start with a question :
>> Why?  Is this all about having a set of API jars to compile against, or
>> is it something more?
> Hi Geir,
> In a nutshell, yes. We can use the compiler from JDK 5 without any
> licensing restrictions--for our purposes it's just as good as the JDK 6
> compiler. However, a restrictive beta license covers the apis in the JDK
> 6 jars.

This reminds me of the old gag :

"Doctor, my arm hurts when I lift it"
"Don't lift it then..."

Don't use the JDK 6 jars.  All you need to do is *compile*, so lets make
our own JARs that get things to compile.

Is there any runtime dependency on Java SE 6?


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