On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 12:04 PM, Jeff Jirsa <jji...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 5:40 AM, Edward Capriolo <edlinuxg...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > I used them. I built do it yourself secondary indexes with them. They
> have
> > there gotchas, but so do all the secondary index implementations. Just
> > because datastax does not write about something. Lets see like 5 years
> ago
> > there was this: https://github.com/hmsonline/cassandra-triggers
> >
> >
> Still in use? How'd it work? Production ready? Would you still do it that
> way in 2017?
> > There is a fairly large divergence to what actual users do and what other
> > groups 'say' actual users do in some cases.
> >
> A lot of people don't share what they're doing (for business reasons, or
> because they don't think it's important, or because they don't know
> how/where), and that's fine but it makes it hard for anyone to know what
> features are used, or how well they're really working in production.
> I've seen a handful of "how do we use triggers" questions in IRC, and they
> weren't unreasonable questions, but seemed like a lot of pain, and more
> than one of those people ultimately came back and said they used some other
> mechanism (and of course, some of them silently disappear, so we have no
> idea if it worked or not).
> If anyone's actively using triggers, please don't keep it a secret. Knowing
> that they're being used would be a great way to justify continuing to
> maintain them.
> - Jeff

"Still in use? How'd it work? Production ready? Would you still do it that
way in 2017?"

I mean that is a loaded question. How long has cassandra had Secondary
Indexes? Did they work well? Would you use them? How many times were they

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