Well, that was quick. TL;DR Redistributing any part of the OpenJDK is
basically a no-go.

Thus, that option is off the table.

On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 10:46 AM, Jason Brown <jasedbr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ftr, I've sent a message to legal-discuss to inquire about the licensing
> aspect of the OpenJDK as we've been discussing. I believe anyone can follow
> the thread by subscribing to the legal-discuss@ ML, or you can wait for
> updates on this thread as I get them.
> On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 9:49 AM, Jason Brown <jasedbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If we went down this path, I can't imagine we would build OpenJDK
>> ourselves, but probably build a release with jlink or javapackager. I
>> haven't done homework on that yet, but i *think* it uses a blessed OpenJDK
>> release for the packaging (or perhaps whatever JDK you happen to be
>> compiling/building with). Thus as long as we build/release when an openJDK
>> rev is released, we would hypothetically be ok from a secutiry POV.
>> That being said, Micke's points about multiple architectures and other
>> OSes (Windows for sure, macOS not so sure) are a legit concern as those
>> would need to be separate packages, with separate CI/testing and so on :(
>> I'm not sure betting the farm on linux disto support is the path to
>> happiness, either. Not everyone uses one of the distros mentioned (RH,
>> ubuntu), nor does everyone use linux (sure, the vast majority is Linux/x86,
>> but we do support Windows deployment and macOS development).
>> -Jason
>> On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 9:26 AM, Michael Burman <mibur...@redhat.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On 03/21/2018 04:52 PM, Josh McKenzie wrote:
>>> This would certainly mitigate a lot of the core problems with the new
>>>> release model. Has there been any public statements of plans/intent
>>>> with regards to distros doing this?
>>> Since the latest official LTS version is Java 8, that's the only one
>>> with publicly available information For RHEL, OpenJDK8 will receive updates
>>> until October 2020.  "A major version of OpenJDK is supported for a period
>>> of six years from the time that it is first introduced in any version of
>>> RHEL, or until the retirement date of the underlying RHEL platform ,
>>> whichever is earlier." [1]
>>> [1] https://access.redhat.com/articles/1299013
>>> In terms of the burden of bugfixes and security fixes if we bundled a
>>>> JRE w/C*, cutting a patch release of C* with a new JRE distribution
>>>> would be a really low friction process (add to build, check CI, green,
>>>> done), so I don't think that would be a blocker for the concept.
>>>> And do we have someone actively monitoring CVEs for this? Would we ship
>>> a version of OpenJDK which ensures that it works with all the major
>>> distributions? Would we run tests against all the major distributions for
>>> each of the OpenJDK version we would ship after each CVE with each
>>> Cassandra version? Who compiles the OpenJDK distribution we would create
>>> (which wouldn't be the official one if we need to maintain support for each
>>> distribution we support) ? What if one build doesn't work for one distro?
>>> Would we not update that CVE? OpenJDK builds that are in the distros are
>>> not necessarily the pure ones from the upstream, they might include patches
>>> that provide better support for the distribution - or even fix bugs that
>>> are not yet in the upstream version.
>>> I guess we also need the Windows versions, maybe the PowerPC & ARM
>>> versions also at some point. I'm not sure if we plan to support J9 or other
>>> JVMs at some point.
>>> We would also need to create CVE reports after each Java CVE for
>>> Cassandra as well I would assume since it would affect us separately (and
>>> updating only the Java wouldn't help).
>>> To me this sounds like an understatement of the amount of work that
>>> would go to this. Not to mention the bad publicity if Java CVEs are not
>>> actually patched instantly in the Cassandra also (and then each user would
>>> have to validate that the shipped version actually works with their
>>> installation in their hardware since they won't get support for it from the
>>> vendors as it's unofficial package).
>>>   - Micke
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