Ferdinand Soethe wrote:
David Crossley wrote:

I would like to deal with "Internal structure is XHTML2"
and the associated issues.


So far there has been plenty of agreement for this. Clearly (at least in my mind) this work will be done in Forrest:views not in skins, is my mind correct?

If so, the "internal plugin" I referred to in an earlier post would presumably be the internal.views plugin since it already overrides the affected pipelines.


Is it worth us identifying when we expect to be online during the day? I'm not talking about a commitment, it's just that we may be able to maximise benefit by trying to get online in groups.

Unfortunately, that day corresponds with a site visit for me. This means I will probably not be online during the day (BST). I will try and get online at something like (times in BST):

6am -> 8am
7.30pm -> 11.59pm


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